

The HydroGen electrolyser has undergone successful testing and implementation across diverse environments, from South-Eastern Europe's winter conditions to Central and East Asia's summer climates. Regardless of the environment or engine type, the product shows consistent results - reduced exhaust emissions and improved fuel efficiency. This adaptability underscores the HydroGen electrolyser's effectiveness in contributing to a cleaner and more efficient world.


The HydroGen electrolyser has undergone successful testing and implementation across diverse environments, from South-Eastern Europe's winter conditions to Central and East Asia's summer climates. Regardless of the environment or engine type, the product shows consistent results - reduced exhaust emissions and improved fuel efficiency. This adaptability underscores the HydroGen electrolyser's effectiveness in contributing to a cleaner and more efficient world.


The HydroGen electrolyser has undergone successful testing and implementation across diverse environments, from South-Eastern Europe's winter conditions to Central and East Asia's summer climates. Regardless of the environment or engine type, the product shows consistent results - reduced exhaust emissions and improved fuel efficiency. This adaptability underscores the HydroGen electrolyser's effectiveness in contributing to a cleaner and more efficient world.


In recognition of the global nature of climate challenge, our objective in 2023 was to extend our efforts to East Asia through a collaboration with All-Planters Sdn. Bhd. Based in Malaysia, the company is a prominent distributor of Massey Ferguson and Kinta tractors in the region, bringing over 30 years of experience. The aim was to contribute to decarbonising agriculture and industrial processes in East Asia, aligning with our commitment to address climate change on a global scale.

The collaboration with All-Planters presented its own set of challenges, including customs clearance and shipping, along with understanding and adapting to the environmental requirements specific to the region. Ensuring seamless integration of our HydroGen electrolysers on agricultural equipment and gensets was a critical component of this initiative.

All-Planters emerged as our chosen dedicated East Asia supplier, demonstrating their commitment to environmental stewardship by implementing HydroGen electrolysers on agricultural equipment and gensets. With a robust installations team, they showcased efficiency and responsiveness, retrofitting our products in less than a day. The outcomes of this collaboration established All-Planters as a critical partner in advancing our environmental and efficiency goals in the East Asian market.

The collaboration with All-Planters in Malaysia marked a strategic move to address climate change on a global scale. The lessons learned from this venture reinforced the importance of understanding regional nuances, adapting to local requirements, and fostering reliable partnerships. All-Planters emerged as our dedicated supplier in East Asia, demonstrating their commitment to environmental responsibility and fuel efficiency. This collaboration serves as a model for extending our ecological initiatives to diverse regions, emphasising the significance of cooperation and adaptability in global environmental efforts.

Cars & Vans

In response to the widespread desire to reduce fuel expenses and increase vehicle range, our strategic focus was integrating a HydroGen unit specifically designed for passenger vehicles.

Navigating the limited spatial constraints within cars and vans posed a significant challenge. Our approach involved designing the electrolyser to ensure it seamlessly fits into these confined spaces without causing inconvenience. Additionally, we addressed the need for user-friendly accessibility, allowing individuals to refill the device with distilled water as required easily.

Our efforts culminated in the development of a compact HydroGen unit. Through rigorous testing and analysis, we identified optimal installation locations, such as between or underneath the seats, in the trunk, or, ideally, within the engine compartment. Positive feedback from clients validated our design's convenience and highlighted an extended vehicle range, translating to more miles per refuelling.

This project provided valuable insight: regardless of the engine size, the HydroGen unit optimises combustion efficiency consistently. This lesson underscores the adaptability and scalability of our solution across a diverse range of vehicles.


Enhancing fuel efficiency poses a unique set of challenges in agricultural vehicles. While newer tractors have Ad-Blu for exhaust emission treatment, this solution often introduces unforeseen complications for farmers. On the other hand, older tractors lacking Ad-Blu remain in use due to the prohibitive costs associated with replacement. The primary aim is to offer a sustainable and cost-effective solution that extends the operational life of older tractors without sacrificing operational efficiency.

One of the prominent challenges we encountered was the absence of a suitable location around the engine for installing the HydroGenunit in agricultural vehicles. To overcome this hurdle, our team focused on retrofitting the device to ensure its safety. The harsh operating environment of tractors demanded a robust solution, necessitating a design that could withstand rigorous conditions and operate reliably over extended periods.

Through extensive research and development, we identified the installation of the HydroGen unit within a protective casing as the optimal solution. We secured the casing onto the tractor's chassis, effectively shielding the device from the elements and ensuring consistent functionality during intense work cycles. This approach allows us to improve fuel efficiency and address the challenges associated with the demanding agricultural environment.

Implementing the HydroGen electrolyser became a game-changer, significantly reducing farmers' fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Importantly, this solution presented no complications, unlike the issues associated with Ad-Blu. This experience underscored the importance of developing solutions that not only address specific challenges but do so in a practical and farmer-friendly manner, contributing to the longevity and sustainability of agricultural equipment.


The primary objective in addressing Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) is to mitigate the fuel consumption and engine temperature inefficiencies that contribute to elevated diesel wastage and, consequently, higher exhaust emissions. This issue further compounds with diesel particulate filters (DPFs) frequently blocking, resulting in increased operational costs and necessitating frequent servicing.

Our crucial challenge centred around ensuring the HydroGen electrolyser could generate a substantial volume of oxyhydrogen gas, a critical factor in enhancing the combustion efficiency of HGVs.

We successfully developed an enlarged version of the HydroGen unit in response to this challenge. We improved combustion efficiency without increasing the engine temperature by leveraging the catalytic effect. Notably, our innovative approach introduced oxyhydrogen directly into the air intake, ensuring a more effective and targeted impact.

A pivotal lesson from this endeavour was the necessity of adapting the size of the HydroGen electrolyser to the specific engine size. This customisation ensures that the device produces the precise amount of oxyhydrogen required. Our product's ability to promote complete combustion of fuel is transformative, enabling the engine to extract more energy per unit of fuel while minimising wasted energy in the form of exhaust emissions. As a result, DPFs are not burdened with capturing as much carbon, presenting a significant advantage in reducing maintenance needs and associated costs.

Road Sweepers

Recognising road sweepers' pivotal role in maintaining urban cleanliness and environmental well-being, we aimed to enhance the efficiency of these vital machines and reduce their environmental impact. In collaboration with Stock Sweepers Ltd., the premier British-owned road sweeper manufacturer, we sought to integrate HydroGen electrolysers into their newly manufactured machinery. This strategic partnership aimed to optimise combustion efficiency for existing vehicles and set a precedent for the broader industry.

Located in Cinderford, our collaboration with Stock Sweepers Ltd. involved the installation of HydroGen electrolysers on their newly manufactured road sweepers, all covered by factory warranty. This presented a unique challenge of ensuring seamless integration while preserving the warranty coverage, demonstrating the viability of our technology for both new and existing vehicles. Addressing this challenge was crucial in establishing the HydroGen electrolysers as a reliable and effective solution for the broader automotive manufacturing sector.

The outcome of our collaboration was the development of the world's first hydrogen hybrid road sweeper, back in 2016. We showcased this ground-breaking achievement at the Resource & Waste Management trade show at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham, UK. Notably, the modified road sweeper boasted the lowest emissions in its class, marking a significant milestone in promoting environmentally responsible practices in the road cleaning industry. The first council to install on their road sweepers was Redbridge council.

Through this collaboration, we demonstrated the versatility of the HydroGen unit by showcasing its ability to reduce emissions from the auxiliary engines that power the road sweeper's brushes and vacuum. This project's success highlighted our technology's adaptability in contributing to both cleaner streets and air quality. Jeff Stock, Managing Director of Stock Sweepers Ltd., emphasised the importance of addressing modern legislation and ensuring clean streets and cleaner air, underscoring the positive impact of our hydrogen hybrid road sweeper in achieving these objectives. This collaboration is a compelling example for other manufacturers, showcasing the potential of HydroGen electrolysers in advancing the environmental performance of both new and existing vehicle fleets.



In response to the pressing issue of air pollution in emerging markets, the UK Department for International Development initiated the Transport-technology Research Innovation for International Development program. Our project, conducted in collaboration with the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) based in Hyderabad, India, aimed to address exhaust emissions from public transport buses. This marked our inaugural export venture beyond the European Union, presenting unique challenges, including customs clearances, adapting to different business mindsets, and implementing our products in a climate vastly distinct from the UK.

Successfully navigating the complexities of international deployment, we implemented the HydroGen units on public transport buses in Hyderabad.

Our devices consistently reduced emissions by an average of 74.1% across the fleet despite the challenges associated with higher ambient temperatures, humidity, and dust build-up. The HydroGen units proved reliable throughout the project, showcasing their adaptability to diverse environmental conditions.

One of the critical lessons from this project was the paramount importance of competent and reliable partners for the international deployment of our products. The project provided a crucial learning opportunity in configuring the HydroGen electrolyser to adapt to weather conditions, particularly in central and eastern Asia. This newfound knowledge enhances our capability to tailor our technology for specific climates, reinforcing our commitment to delivering effective solutions globally.

While the challenges of working abroad and implementing solutions in diverse climates were significant, the successful deployment of the HydroGenunits in Hyderabad contributed to reducing exhaust emissions from public transport buses and enriched our understanding of international operations. The experience underscored the importance of adaptable technology and reliable partnerships, positioning us for future endeavours in addressing environmental concerns on a global scale.

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Gensets are crucial in providing power in areas lacking a reliable grid connection, particularly in rural and developing regions. These areas' vulnerability to power outages poses significant challenges for businesses and communities. Gensets are essential as they serve as the primary power source during peak usage hours or as supplementary energy to operate other equipment.

Despite their importance, gensets present challenges, primarily related to their substantial fuel consumption and high emissions, even with regular servicing and maintenance. The key challenge lies in optimising the combustion efficiency of gensets and ensuring the reliable operation of the HydroGen electrolyser over extended periods, especially when subjected to the intense vibrations generated during operation.

To address these challenges, we tailored the size of the HydroGen unit to suit the specific requirements of gensets. We conducted rigorous testing to validate the product's ability to withstand the vibrations associated with genset operation. The outcomes showcased an effective solution to enhance combustion efficiency while maintaining consistent operation under challenging conditions.

The diversity among gensets highlighted the importance of understanding the unique characteristics of each system, including the size of the engine and its operational cycle. Customising the HydroGen electrolyser to meet the specific requirements of each genset proved essential in optimising performance. Additionally, our experience emphasised the significance of ensuring all components of gensets work correctly. By guaranteeing the genset's overall health, our product can more effectively optimise equipment performance, highlighting the synergy between proper maintenance and the benefits of the HydroGen electrolyser.

In the realm of gensets, our efforts focused on overcoming challenges related to fuel efficiency and emissions. Tailoring the HydroGen electrolyser to the individual characteristics of each genset proved instrumental in achieving optimal results. This knowledge reinforces the importance of a nuanced approach to different genset configurations and operational cycles, ensuring the continued success of our solutions in diverse settings.


Addressing the global challenge of optimising efficiency in industrial generators and burners, we focused on some of the largest engines in the world used for critical industrial processes. The aim was to enhance the efficiency of these industrial systems, which play a pivotal role in meeting the energy demands of vital industrial operations.

The primary challenge in this endeavour was ensuring a consistent and substantial supply of oxyhydrogen under the demanding conditions of an uninterrupted 24/7 work cycle, typical in industrial settings with critical processes.

We introduced an innovative method for implementing the HydroGen electrolyser to overcome this challenge. By connecting multiple units and configuring them to operate in groups, we successfully ensured a continuous and sufficient volume of oxyhydrogen gas. This adaptation allowed us to guarantee a 24/7 operational cycle, addressing the specific needs of industrial applications.

Our experience in this project revealed that oxyhydrogen gas can significantly improve the combustion efficiency of conventional fuels in existing industrial generators and burners. The crucial lesson learned was the effectiveness of connecting multiple electrolysers as a straightforward method to increase production capacity for industrial applications. This approach not only addressed the challenges posed by the 24/7 work cycle but also showcased the adaptability of our technology to enhance combustion efficiency in large-scale industrial settings.

The optimisation of efficiency in industrial systems, crucial for supporting vital industrial processes, requires innovative solutions. The successful implementation of multiple connected HydroGen electrolysers demonstrated the potential of oxyhydrogen gas to enhance combustion efficiency. The adaptability of our technology to operate seamlessly in a 24/7 cycle further solidifies its relevance and effectiveness in addressing the complex energy demands of industrial applications.

Innovate UK Scale-Up Pilot

Innovate UK Scale-Up Pilot

The Innovate UK Scale Up pilot, funded by Innovate UK, aimed to identify and address growth barriers companies face in the infrastructure, manufacturing, and materials sectors. As participants in this initiative, Water Fuel Engineering joined to leverage the program to overcome challenges and accelerate the scale-up of our business.

The Innovate UK Scale-up pilot addressed the challenges inherent in scaling up our operations. Our team benefited from two days of expert guidance and introductions to potential funding avenues. This phase allowed us to gain insights into overcoming specific challenges. It provided valuable connections for the growth of our company.

The first part of the initiative focused on a detailed examination of the challenges Water Fuel Engineering faced in scaling up. Experts evaluated our growth potential and offered practical support to enhance our operations. The second part emphasized mentorships and workshops, facilitating valuable connections with academic institutions and companies in diverse sectors. Overall, the initiative served as a platform for targeted support and networking, contributing to the growth trajectory of Water Fuel Engineering.

The recognition and selection of Water Fuel Engineering by Innovate UK for this pilot program were a substantial honour and a validation of our potential. Participating in the initiative inspired our team and highlighted the role our technology can play in the UK's decarbonization efforts. The lessons from this experience emphasized the importance of targeted support, mentorships, and collaborative networks in overcoming growth barriers and fostering innovation.

Innovate UK's scale-up pilot played a pivotal role in addressing the growth challenges faced by Water Fuel Engineering. The initiative provided expert guidance and introductions to funding avenues and valuable connections with academic and industry partners. This recognition and support from Innovate UK underscored the potential impact of our technology in contributing to the UK's decarbonization goals. They catalysed our ongoing growth and innovation efforts.

Honouring Yull Brown

Honouring Yull Brown

To understand our roots and shape our future, we pay homage to Yull Brown (Ilia Valkov), a pioneering Bulgarian professor and inventor. His contributions, particularly the invention of 'Brown's Gas' through arc-assisted oxy/hydrogen welding, laid the foundation for electrolysis and hydrogen technology advancements. We aim to honour and remember Yull Brown's legacy as we navigate our path in research and development.

In 2013, the Bulgarian Hydrogen Society invited Water Fuel Engineering to restore Yull Brown's original electrolyser. This collaborative effort allowed us to revive the historic generator meticulously. The restored electrolyser is exhibited at the Polytechnical Museum in Sofia, Bulgaria – the capital of Yull Brown's home country – under the title 'Maintaining the accomplishments of Ilia Valkov'. We met the challenges in this process through close cooperation and a shared commitment to preserving the achievements of a pioneering figure in hydrogen technology.

While more advanced and autonomous, our current products continue the groundwork laid by Yull Brown. They produce a higher volume of oxyhydrogen with significantly less input power than the electrolysers created by Yull Brown. The advancements and applications of our products, inspired by the past and guided by innovation, serve as a testament to the ongoing legacy of the discoverer of oxyhydrogen gas.

As we forge ahead with our developments and applications, we remain humbled by the memory of Yull Brown. His pioneering work in electrolysis and the creation of 'Brown's Gas' continue to inspire our oxyhydrogen technology journey. By honouring his legacy, we acknowledge the importance of understanding and building upon the achievements of those who paved the way for advancements in environmental science and technology.

Electronic Control Unit

Electronic Control Unit

In electrolysis, a centuries-old chemical process utilising electricity to extract oxygen and hydrogen from water, our primary aim was to distinguish our product through unparalleled efficiency. Our focus extended beyond efficient electrolysis to address a critical aspect—ensuring the engine continues to operate seamlessly even if the electrolyser encounters a stoppage.

Achieving the best electrolyser involves prioritising both efficiency and broad applicability. For the latter, the electrolyser needed to be self-regulating. Overcoming this challenge necessitated the development of an autonomous system that requires only input power and water to function seamlessly.

The culmination of our efforts resulted in the creation of an electronic control unit that regulates the electrolysis process and integrates essential safety features. This innovative device possesses the capability to cease operation automatically under specific conditions. It reacts to inappropriate electrical input configurations, temperature exceeding predetermined limits, or water levels falling below defined thresholds. This self-regulating mechanism ensures the safe and efficient operation of the electrolyser.

Through this unique development, our product emerged as a self-regulating solution that operates exclusively when the engine runs. This autonomy allows the HydroGen electrolyser to function without pressure or cooling for extended periods. Furthermore, during an electrolyser stoppage, the electronic control unit ensures that engines can continue operating normally. The only required intervention is the addition of distilled water to the HydroGen electrolyser.

In the dynamic landscape of electrolysis, our commitment to efficiency and innovation led to creating a self-regulating HydroGen device with an electronic control unit. This development not only ensures safety and reliability by automatically halting operation under specific conditions but also enhances the overall functionality of the electrolyser. The capacity for extended, autonomous operation further underscores the versatility and practicality of our product in diverse applications.

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